
Profile photo ofacaciafante
Member Since November 9, 2022
Personal Details
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What interests you at WHOW?
My friends have called me a Renaissance woman, and that’s because my interests are broad and my abilities are varied. A love for learning drives me, and I am at my best when I engage my creative brain with strategic tactical planning.
My career started in the classroom as an educator, and I’ll forever be proud of my work in teaching. I find deep reward in supporting others as they evolve into who they are at their truest and brightest. Now, I work full-time in marketing within the HR tech sector and also consult as a career coach as a side venture.

Just as I seek work that aligns with my values and gives me a sense of honor, I’m here to help others find work designed around the life they lead. My background equips me with the ability to understand how to position someone’s inherent value, develop their abilities, and become a trusted partner in shared goals. I’ve been working since it was legal to do so, and across sectors of hospitality, non-profits, and tech companies.

When I’m unplugged, you’ll find me searching for the closest ray of sunshine—most likely a patio with some refreshments where I’ll be found having meaningful conversations with others about who they are and what they believe.
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