Explore WHOW’s impactful programs designed to empower women through education, career advancement, and entrepreneurship. Our initiatives cater to women aged 18-45, including those from low-income backgrounds, pregnant or teenage mothers, and previously incarcerated individuals. We offer resources for economic growth, self-awareness, and confidence-building through personalized life plans, goal-setting, budgeting, and business development support. Join us in creating pathways to success and community empowerment.

Empowerment fosters independence and fulfillment.

Our work in the community empowering women to become self-sufficient helps them to lead independent and fulfilling lives. Through our programs, women are able to develop the skills and confidence they need to support themselves and their families.


Designed for young women, focusing on building confidence, life skills, and career exploration.


Equip women with professional skills, leadership qualities, and career advancement strategies.


Hone your leadership skills, gain advocacy tools, and make a difference in your community.