Denise Donaldson

Butterfly Conference Empowerment

Contact Information


Phone: +19184067771



Meet Denise: A powerhouse with a passion for transforming lives and businesses alike. With 45
years of illuminating souls as an ordained minister and biblical counselor, Denise has navigated
through the depths of scriptures to guide countless individuals towards their highest potential.

But that’s not all! For over a decade, Denise has been a beacon of light as a youth pastor and
trusted student advisor, shaping the minds and hearts of the next generation.

In matters of the heart, Denise’s expertise shines as a seasoned marriage counselor and
facilitator of transformative marriage studies. With three decades of experience, she’s the
compass guiding couples towards stronger, more fulfilling relationships.

And let’s not forget her flair for business! With over 50 years of entrepreneurial prowess,
including a quarter-century in real estate and finance, Denise is the ultimate success story.

Add to this her status as a published author, sharing her wisdom in the e-book “ABC of Buying
and Selling A House,” and you’ve got a dynamo ready to ignite inspiration and empowerment in every attendee.